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How to Manage Store Owner’s Notifications on SureCart
In this article, we’ll explain how to enable or disable the email notifications that you as SureCart store admin get when different events happen at your SureCart store.
As a Store owner, you will receive these types of emails:
- New Order Notifications
- Subscription Payment Failure Notifications
- Subscription Cancellation Notifications
- Subscription Saved Notifications
- Subscription Renewal Notifications
- Webhook Endpoint Error Notifications
And if you do not want to get notified about a particular event, you can simply disable that email notification. Let’s understand how!
How to Enable/Disable Store Owner Notifications
To enable or disable store owner notifications log in at and simply follow the steps below:
- Go to the bottom left corner of your screen and click on your profile.
- Click on the “Notification Preferences”.

On the right side, you will see a sidebar where all notifications for store owners are present.
- Below the Notifications Email, you will find a list of options for store owner notifications. You can turn them on or off according to your preferences.

- Click the “Save” button after making your changes.

Once you save the preferences, you will only receive notifications that are turned on!
How to Change Your Email Notification Address
If you want to receive email notifications on a different email address than the one you have set up in your WordPress site under SureCart > Settings > Design & Branding, it’s simple to change.
Just add the new email address in the notification field and save it.

That’s all for this article!
We hope you can now handle your SureCart store owner notifications better. If you have any questions, just let us know! We’re here to assist you.
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