We are pleased to announce SureCart v1.10 which brings us closer to releasing product pages.
Introducing Product Image Galleries
Prior, you could add one image per product, but this update changes that.
Now you can add multiple images to each product and they will be displayed in an elegant image gallerie. You can see this today on Instant Checkout pages, and later this month in product pages.
Introducing URL Parameters
URL parameters are data you can add to a checkout URL to prefill in data on the checkout form. It’s a way to make completing a checkout faster for your buyers.
The most common use of this would be when you are sending a promotional email to your buyers. You already know thier name and email address, so why not prefill this data out for them when they visit the checkout page? It’s easy.
We have a doc that fully covers this with examples.
Introducing Subscription Pausing
SureCart has always offered more capable subscription management. We are taking it further with subscription pausing.
When selling subscriptions, your subscribers will have different needs and requests regarding their subscriptions. One of those will be to pause their subscription for a period of time. For example, if they are going out of town for a few months, and want to pause the subscription vs cancel it.
With other ecommerce tools, this is not an option, but with SureCart we give our merchants the tools to manage subscriptions to prevent cancelations.
- New: Multiple product images.
- New: Instant checkout product images slideshow.
- New: Phone number block for checkout.
- New: Pre-populate name and email fields from url parameters.
- Improvement: Subscription pausing UX in merchant admin.
- Improvement: Option to disable individual abandoned checkout emails.
- Improvement: Ability to turn on/off abandoned checkouts in test mode.
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