We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.9, which brings multiple refinements to all SureCart stores.
Our favorite is the ability to add a coupon to a subscription.
- New: Delay self-service cancellations – prevents customers from cancelling their subscription on the customer dashboard until a set number of days before renewal.
- New: Enable or disable fulfillment notifications on admin order screen.
- New: Ability to add coupon to subscription on admin subscription screen.
- Improvement: Show recurring details of a coupon at checkout.
- Improvement: Show line items on customer dashboard order details page.
- Fix: Price selector hide label, price, control not working as expected.
- Fix: Show required symbol on tax input if it’s required.
- Fix: Incorrect test mode notice on coupons page.
- Fix: Subscription merchant admin columns getting squished.
- Fix: Product email settings description for licensing is incorrect.
- Fix: Admin console notice for duplicate store registration.
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Version 1.0.0
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