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How to Install SureCart Plugin and Connect it to the SureCart Platform
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install the SureCart plugin and connect it to the SureCart platform.
So if you do not know this, SureCart Platform is like a storage unit that stores all data, customer orders, products, and store configurations instead of your WordPress site.
And that helps us keep your WordPress site from slowing down while you use SureCart.
That’s why you need to connect the SureCart plugin on your WordPress site to the SureCart Platform.
Install the SureCart Plugin from the WordPress Repository
To connect SureCart with your WordPress site, you have to install and activate SureCart plugin on your site.
So you can search for SureCart on the WordPress repository and install & activate it on your site as you would normally install and activate any WordPress plugin.
Now let’s connect the SureCart plugin to your new store from your WordPress account!
How to Connect SureCart to a New Store
If you’re using SureCart for the first time and you do not have a SureCart store, you will need to set it up before you can use SureCart on your WordPress site.
If you already have a SureCart store, you can learn how to connect it with your WordPress further in this document.
And if you do not have a store, you can simply follow the steps below to create a new store and connect it with your WordPress site.
- Click on SureCart.
- First-time SureCart users who don’t already have a SureCart store can click on Create New Store. Otherwise, skip this step and go straight to Step 3.
- A new window will appear where you can select the Brand Color and Currency. Your brand color can be changed at any time; click here to learn more, and click here to learn how to change your store’s currency.
- Once done, click on the Continue button.
- The next step allows you to choose our demo products or start from scratch with no products. We’ll choose “Start from Scratch” and click Continue.
- In the next step, you can choose an email address for receiving store notifications like new orders, payment failures, and other store information.
Once you have added the email address, click on the Continue button.
- Click on the close icon.
- Click on the Complete Setup button to complete your store setup.
- Please enter your name, email, and password in the next window.
- Click on the Sign Up button once you’re done.
- Enter store details in the next step.
You have successfully set up your store! Now you can click on the Back to WordPress button.
If you already have a SureCart store, you can connect it to your WordPress site easily. To get started, simply follow these steps:
- Go to the SureCart plugins section of your WordPress site and click Get Started.
- Click on Connect Existing Store.
- Enter your account login details and click on Sign In.
- Click on the Store you wish to connect to in the next window.
- If you want to make changes to the store before connecting, you can edit your store and click Next Step. You can do this later too.
- Next, you will get an API token that you will need to copy and then click on Back to WordPress.
- After copying the API key from the previous step, insert it in the next step and click Complete Installation.
That’s it!
Your SureCart store will be connected to your WordPress Site!
Hope this document helped you learn how to install the SureCart plugin, how to connect your WordPress site to a new SureCart store, and how to connect to an existing store!
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