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How to Override Commission Amounts for Certain Affiliates
When creating affiliate programs, you need to specify the following for your store:
- Commission rate: The amount an affiliate receives for each successful referral.
- Subscription commission: The amount an affiliate receives each time a customer renews their subscription.
- Lifetime commission: The amount an affiliate receives for every future purchase made by a customer they referred.
SureCart lets you override these commissions for certain affiliates. For example, you can give a specific affiliate an extra 30% commission, while the other affiliates receive the usual amount.
You can also give subscription and lifetime commission overrides to certain affiliates and change how long they last.
Along with these, SureCart allows product-specific commissions, so affiliates can earn different amounts for referring specific products.
In this article, we’ll show you how to do all these things easily. Let’s get started!
Note: For more information on our affiliate program, check out this guide.
Providing Custom Commissions to Certain Affiliates
To do this, first select the affiliate for whom you want to override commissions. Go to SureCart > Affiliates.
Here, click on the Add Commission button under “Custom Commission”.
Setting Up Unique Commission Amount
Next, choose the commission amount you want to set for this specific affiliate. You can select the commission either as a percentage or a flat rate.
Click on the Save button.
Now, this affiliate will receive a 40% commission on each successful referral, while other affiliates will receive the usual commission amount you set.
Setting Up Custom Subscription Commissions and Duration
You can set up custom subscription commissions and duration for certain affiliates. To do this:
- Enable the Subscription Commissions option.
- Specify the number of days until the affiliate will be paid upon each subscription renewal.
Note: Leave this field empty if you want to pay the affiliate indefinitely for each subscription renewal.
Click on the Save button to apply these changes.
Setting Up Custom Lifetime Commissions and Duration
To set up custom lifetime commission for affiliates:
- Enable the Lifetime Commissions option.
- Specify how long the affiliate will be paid whenever a customer makes a purchase.
Note: If you want to pay the affiliate indefinitely after each future customer purchase, leave this field empty.
Click the Save button.
How to Set Product-Specific Affiliate Commissions
When a customer buys the selected product, the affiliate will receive the custom commission you set instead of the usual rate.
Here’s how you can do it:
- Click on the Add Commission button under “Product Commissions”.
- Choose the Product that you want to override commissions for.
- Finally, select the custom commission amount the affiliate will receive upon successful purchase.
- Enable “Subscription Commissions” if it’s a subscription-based product.
- Enable “Lifetime Commissions” if you want to pay this affiliate for every future customer purchase..
Click on the Create button.
Here’s how it will look on the “Product Commissions” tab.
That’s it! You can use these features to incentivize specific affiliates or boost sales of particular products.
We encourage you to explore these settings on your own and reach out if you have any questions.
We’re here to assist you whenever you need!
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