Marketing – SureCart
Juice Up Your Marketing And Boost Your Conversions

Get the Marketing Superpowers That You Need to Multiply Your Sales

SureCart - Marketing Hero Section

All the Marketing Features in One Powerful Platform

Grow Your Online Sales Today

Auto Payment Recovery

Don’t lose customers to accidentally failed payments. Automate reminders and email campaigns to keep your subscribers paying.

Lead Magnets

Create the perfect lead magnets with ease. Give free value in exchange for contact details, capture leads, and grow your revenue.

Reporting and Analytics

Collect information from every order. Gain clarity, and make data-driven decisions to make those numbers really work for you.

Make the Right Offer to the Right Person at the Right Time

Smart Coupons & Discounts

Offer the exact discount that you want to give to certain types of customers. Configure special coupons for certain types of buyers or subscriptions. Add the discount to the URL so that it gets automatically applied when clicked. Chose when and how many times the discount will apply. Give them an offer that they can’t refuse.

SureCart - Smart Coupons and Discounts
Sell Easier and Sell More

Bundle Switch

Toggle the switch on and off to decide whether your customers can buy a single product or if that product must be purchased in a bundle. Incentivize your customers to add multiple products to the cart by giving them bundled discounts and promos. Sell multiple products in a single transaction. Increase your average order value. Multiply your sales and revenue.

SureCart - Bundle Switch
Boost Your AOV

Dynamic Order Bumps

Show order bumps to your customers at the checkout where they are most needed. Use conditional logic to choose what gets shown to whom and when. Give something away for free, and display the scratched price and total savings sum to stack the value of the order. Increase the customer’s satisfaction rate along with your average order value.

SureCart - Dynamic Order Bumps

Significantly performant e-commerce system

This is the next gen sales system marketers, small business owners and non profits managers need. SureCart is an incredible solution from an ease of use perspective for store managers but also customers. The work done by Sujay Pawar and Adam Preiser is outstanding in every respect, from UX to UI, cart to inbox. Thank you for transforming E-Commerce for the future, the WordPress way.

Devyn Brugge

Keep the Customers That You Would Otherwise Lose

Subscription Saver

Keeping a customer is cheaper than getting a new one. Subscription saver makes the last-ditch effort to prevent people from canceling their subscription. Get your customers back by giving them a discount, pausing the charges, or offering other additional benefits. It’s all automated and done for you to save you the trouble.

SureCart - Subscription Saver
Reduce Churn by 20%

Cart Abandonment Recovery

Initiate cart abandonment sequences, promote coupons & discounts. Get people back into the checkout and increase conversions by 20%. You can also display order bumps to, not just get people back into the cart, but get them to buy more from you.

SureCart - Cart Abandonment Recovery
Data Is the New Oil

Automated Customer Survey

Survey the customers that you couldn’t get back to see what made them cancel their subscription. Access the dashboard that shows you who canceled, when, why, and what were their reasons. Learn how to improve your products and address customer objections to increase your sales in the long run. Data is the new oil. We give you the means to extract it.

SureCart - Automated Customer Survey
Enable Everyone To Learn and Grow Your Profits

Affiliate Platform

Reward people for recommending and promoting your products and services. Enabling your customers and fans to sell your products and/or services for commission is one of the best ways to grow your profits.

SureCart - Affiliate Platform

Frequently Asked Questions

All You Need to Know About SureCart

Skyrocket Your Conversions Fast & Easy

Boost Your Sales With SureCart’s Powerful Marketing Features Today

Customize Your Checkouts

Offer additional items for specific types of products through checkout forms or product pages. Sell accessories and add-ons. Simply put more stuff into your buyer’s cart.

Add Messages to Your Cart

Every custom field can advertise for you. Gain complete control of your ad assets and messaging from field labels to placeholder texts, price selectors, and hyperlinks.

Create Post-Purchase Pages

Gain control over your customer journey after they’ve purchased. Take your customers to a thank you page, build a custom upsell page or a sales page to improve your AOV.

Newsletter (Coming Soon)

Newsletter integrations with SureCart allow you to subscribe customers to different mailing lists and share valuable insights with them via automated client-nurturing email campaigns.

Google Analytics

Integrate Google Analytics with SureCart to get essential eCommerce analytics and gain insight into the most important metrics regarding your online store’s performance.

Facebook Ads (Coming Soon)

Advertize your products and store to your customers on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp. Design ads, and set the targeting and placement directly via SureCart.

Start Selling With SureCart Today

Start for Free – No Credit Card Required

Start Selling With SureCart Today

Start for Free – No Credit Card Required

Trusted by Thousands of Businesses
Trusted by Thousands of Businesses
Start for Free. No Credit Card Required
World Class Support Team
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