Team SureCart
February 19, 2024

SureCart 2.18: Introducing Sales Funnels

We have been promising our merchants post-purchase one-click upsells for some time.

This is where, after a customer places an order with you, you offer them another product at a discount. This will increase the average order value and make your store more profitable.

We did build one-click upsells a few months ago, but after internal testing, we decided to change the scope to instead offer full-on sales funnels.

So instead of offering just one one-click upsell, you can offer upsells and downsells.

This new sales funnel feature is also dynamic, your offers can be shown to buyers based on conditions or rules.


  • New: One-click upsells – add post-purchase funnels to your checkout flows.
Team SureCart
January 30, 2024

SureCart 2.17: New Expire Access Option & More

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.17, which mostly brings improvements and fixes, but we also have several new features.

We had many requests from merchants that wanted to sell some form of digital product for a one time price, but the access needed to be revoked after some period of time.

For example, you are selling access to a 6-month training program where the access needs to be removed at the end of the time period.

You could have easily accomplished this with SureTriggers, but it made sense to add a new option to Expire Access to licenses, downloads, and any native SureCart integrations that you add on the product page.

Other notable enhancements in this release are automatic Facebook tracking for ecom events and an easy 1-click restore process when an essential SureCart page is accidentally deleted.


  • New: Add automatic Facebook tracking for eCommerce events.
  • New: Add Expire access setting to prices.
  • New: Add Ghanian Cedi to supported currencies.


  • Improvement: Make publishing product pages easier when creating new products.
  • Improvement: 1-click restore deleted SureCart pages.
  • Improvement: Allow HTML in manual payment description.
  • Improvement: Sort subscription update options by price.
  • Improvement: Show notice if currency needs to be changed by support.
  • Improvement: Renamed “Initial Discount” to “Setup Discount”.
  • Improvement: Add confirmation modal when deleting customer.


  • Fix: The placeholder for search country in the address component is not translated.
  • Fix: When fix saving issue when setup fee is toggled off with value entered.
  • Fix: Loading text translation on forms is not working for Japanese characters.
  • Fix: Product availability sometimes showing NaN in New Order create page.
  • Fix: Donation custom amount input does not let us add value on some mobile devices.
  • Fix: You must spend at least x to use this coupon sometimes does not use correct currency.
  • Fix: Translation issue for billing details and downloads strings in customer dashboard.
  • Fix: The order by oldest in the product list block (shop page) was not working.
  • Fix: Template issue with switching from hybrid/classic theme to full site editing theme.
  • Fix: Ensure product page image is responsive in case theme does not make images responsive by default.
  • Fix: Issue with product list block sometimes showing blank in admin.
  • Fix: Ensure the out of stock modal does not get too narrow on some themes.
  • Fix: Shop manager role was not able to update customers and WordPress users.
  • Fix: Honor Rankmath’s sitemap exclusions for products and collections.
  • Fix: Coupon price restriction should not exclude variant product prices.
Team SureCart
January 11, 2024

SureCart 2.16: Instant Checkout Improvements & Setup Discounts

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.16, which brings a much-requested enhancement to Instant Checkouts and a new way to discount first subscription payment.

SureCart merchants tell how much they love using the Instant Checkout feature, but the most comment request has been to make it possible to use custom thank you pages.

We listened and with this release you will see a new option for custom thank you pages. Simply enable the feature and enter the URL to your custom thank you page.

Also in this release is a new way to apply discounts to the first payment in a subscription.

To better understand why you want to use this, let me tell you the problem it solves. Every year we have a Black Friday sale on our products which are annual subscriptions. We discount the first payment of a subscription, and the next payment is the normal amount. The only way to add a discount just for the first payment was to use a coupon, but this way can have its challenges. Buyers can accidentally remove a coupon, only one coupon could be used per purchase, sneaky buyers try to manipulate coupons to try and get discounts on other products.

SureCart has always offered Setup Fees for subscriptions, so we have modified this to enable you to add a setup fee or a discount on the first payment.

Now when we have our next sale, we simply need to add a setup discount and then turn it off once the promotion is over.


  • New: Add initial discount to price.
  • New: Add a custom thank-you page link to instant checkout.


  • Improvement: Removing storing carts on custom forms and use URL for cart persistence.
  • Improvement: Update slide out cart template to template part to prevent accidental deletion.


  • Fix: Issue with order bump sometimes not appearing on slide out cart.
  • Fix: Issue with instant checkout not loading for some users.
  • Fix: Z-index issue with drawer and sticky top bar on some admin screens.
  • Fix: Prevent issue with sites having timeout requests.
  • Fix: Scratch amount missing on admin order details page.
  • Fix: Issue with carts sometimes getting cleared on checkout page if default checkout is used with a shortcode.
Team SureCart
January 10, 2024

SureCart 2.15: Variation Products On Any Checkout Form

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.15, which brings the product variation selector to your checkout forms. Prior, you could only sell products with variations on a product page.

In addition, we also added the ability to build custom product pages anywhere and with any pay builder via shortcode.


  • New: Use product shortcodes outside of product pages.
  • New: Checkout form product price/variant selector block.


  • Improvement: Allow integrations to work for specific prices and variants.
  • Improvement: Ability to turn off tax for specific customers.
  • Improvement: Buy now and add to cart button placeholder improvements.


  • Fix: Issue with product media taking up too much space on product template edit page.
  • Fix: 2FA conflicts with SureCart sign-in.
  • Fix: Issue with php notice showing when account is not connected on certain pages.
  • Fix: Issue with Stripe showing “Your Card Nubmer Is Incomplete” after some free purchases are made.
  • Fix: Quantity selector styling issue on iOS.
  • Fix: UI bug when adding product restrictions to coupon where product price and image were not loading.
  • Fix: Issue with switching Products to show from Handpicked to All/Featured.
  • Fix: Incorrect price display on merchant admin for donation subscriptions.
  • Fix: Show full address if shipping address is required.
Team SureCart
December 14, 2023

SureCart 2.14: New Donation Block With Recurring Switcher

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.14, which brings a completely revamped checkout for block for donations. But that’s not all, we are also introducing an option for a one-time donation to be converted into a recurring donation.


  • New: Donations block to accept one-time and recurring donations.
  • New: Added user option to reactivate canceled subscriptions on customer dashboard.


  • Improvement: Display price and variant name on subscription index page.
  • Improvement: Updated address fields to not inherit the store’s country.
  • Improvement: Improved error handling for ‘Add to Cart’ on product pages.
  • Improvement: Updated checkout totals for installments and trial periods to be more clear.
  • Improvement: Make default loading text less specific to account for different payment options.
  • Improvement: Allow customers to add payment methods on subscriptions without payment methods on customer dashboard.


  • Fix: Fixed currency symbol issue in dropdowns not appearing properly for some users in the admin.
  • Fix: Corrected a typo in the Order Bump feature.
  • Fix: Issue with canceled orders not able to be filtered on merchant admin.
  • Fix: Issue with recurring prices being combined in price selector showing wrong label.
Team SureCart
December 5, 2023

SureCart 2.12: Order Returns

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.12, which brings the first phase of Order Return functionality inside SureCart.

This phase brings the options for the merchant to start and manage the return process.

Phase 2 will be adding visuals to the customer area when a customer requests a full or partial return of their order.

Phase 3 will bring new filtering options to the order list view and email notifications for returns.


  • New: Returns – create and manage return requests on the admin order screen.


  • Improvement: List the variant and price with the purchase in the customer’s purchase list on the admin.
  • Improvement: Add shortcode for product variant choices to be used in custom page builder product page templates.
  • Improvement: Handle out-of-stock errors better when the item is added to the cart.


  • Fix: Draft orders having the wrong status on the admin orders screen.
  • Fix: Admin order pages showing the product image on line items instead of the variant image.
  • Fix: CSS conflict with some themes causing password field inspector controls to be pushed offscreen.
  • Fix: Customers not syncing with users when “Create New Users” is unchecked in the manual customer sync button.
  • Fix: Duplication of labels on the price selector.
Team SureCart
November 29, 2023

SureCart 2.11.3: Greater Control

Normally we don’t have an announcement for point releases, but this point release brings a UI change as well as new settings for power users.

As we try to make SureCart more intuitive, one of the pain points we have seen consistently in our help desk is when a merchant deletes an important page needed by SureCart.

To compensate for this and add some extra conveniences, we have added a few sub menu items that will take you to these important pages, and it will also display if there are any issues with those pages.

This is going to add convenience, reduce clicks, and reduce support requests.

However, for our OG power users, they may not like this. Not to fear, we have you in mind, we have added some toggles in the settings for you guys and gals.


  • Improvement: Update SureCart menu to include shop, checkout, dashboard pages.
  • Improvement: Automatic integration with RankMath Sitemaps.


  • Fix: Issue with Spectra saving when inline CSS setting is used.
  • Fix: Responsive issue with plan actions on customer dashboard.
  • Fix: Properly handle error if WordPress user exists when creating customer on admin.
  • Fix: Issue with HUF currency.
Team SureCart
November 21, 2023

SureCart 2.11: Introducing Affiliate Platform

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.11, which brings a built-in Affiliate Platform to all SureCart stores.

A great way to increase exposure and revenue for your store is to have an affiliate program.

This is where you pay a commission to people that refer sales to your store. The affiliate uses an affiliate link, so everything is automatically tracked.

Typical affiliate software can cost in the hundreds of dollars per year and into thousands of dollars per year.

The good news for SureCart merchants is, there is a built-in affiliate platform built into SureCart and it’s quite easy to setup.


  • New: SureCart affiliate platform!


  • Improvement: Use deferred payment intent method for Stripe Payment element to prevent incomplete payment log on Stripe dashboard.
  • Improvement: Show product and price name on customer dashboard subscription switch page.


  • Fix: Issue with duplicate line items on some forms due to plugin conflict.
  • Fix: Permissions issue with coupon not being allowed in customer dashboard subscription update.
  • Fix: Instant checkout errors for new checkouts due to duplicate line item fix.
Team SureCart
November 14, 2023

SureCart 2.10: Focused On Accessibility

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.10, which brings extensive accessibility improvements to all SureCart stores.

During this rapid release cycle turning SureCart into a full-fledged ecommerce platform, we made the misjudgment to address accessibility in these new capabilities after we finished releasing the features.

This past August, we realized that, if we had to do it over again we would do it differently and sought out a professional accessibility audit of SureCart.

Our team then worked diligently through all the recommendations.

This update brings extensive accessibility enhancements and the team really paid attention to all the tiny details.

For example, the coupon field, tabbing into it, entering a coupon code, and being able to clear the coupon before proceeding.

Another example, the voice-over for the product list when a user adds a product filter, it will announce how many results for users of screen readers, indicating to the user that the results are present on the page.

Also, when the slide out cart appears, it will be announced for the voice-over for users of screen readers, and the user can tab to the close icon or can hit the escape key.

These are just examples of the level of detail the team has gone to in order to make SureCart fully navigable via a keyboard and screen readers.

Now that this release is out, we will seek out another professional unbiased 3rd party audit and a VPAT that will be published on our website.

We are committed to making SureCart the most accessible ecommerce platform out of the box and will ensure all new developments go through a detailed accessibility audit before being released.


  • Improvement: Keyboard and screen reader accessibility of customer-facing UI.
  • Improvement: Make Stripe Payment Element the new default for the Stripe processor.
  • Improvement: Show a notice if Gutenberg plugin is active as this plugin is experimental.


  • Fix: Ensure SureCart column block does not get top margin in editor.
  • Fix: Dark theme not applying to shipping choices on checkout page.
  • Fix: Apostrophe being displayed as HTML entity instead of plain text on State/Province selector.
  • Fix: Setting a password did not consider a “-” as a special character.