Team SureCart
January 11, 2023

Version 1.5.0

Subscription Saver Is Here 🔥

It’s so easy! It’s so genius!

Simply put: SureCart merchants make more money!

And this is just the beginning!

But there is much more to this update; it brings many new features to enable our merchants to make more money with their stores.


  • New: Subscription saver for Pro and Business plans
  • New: Manual tax registrations.
  • New: Option to turn off emails for free orders.
  • New: Option to revoke purchases immediately when orders become past due.
  • New: Disable “Powered By Surecart” footers for Premium users.


  • Improvement: Add “Fallback Tax” setting for merchants wanting to have a fallback tax for their store.
  • Improvement: Add български (Bŭlgarski), 日本 (Nihon) Polski, Português – Brasil languages.
  • Improvement: Add the ability to revoke purchases when refunding a charge.
  • Improvement: Add expandable details to customer dashboard subscriptions view (quantity, discounts, etc.).
  • Improvement: Reword Order Bump “Auto Apply Discount” functionality.
  • Improvement: Change order “Metadata” wording in admin to “Additional Order Data”.
  • Improvement: Add Facebook group link in readme.
  • Improvement: Add timestamp to API requests to increase compatibility with plugins that cache the WordPress REST API.
  • Improvement: Update subscription list table status to include if the subscription will cancel as well as the date.
  • Improvement: Allow updating subscription payment method, even for canceled subscriptions.


  • Fix: Subscriptions not showing discount on Merchant admin for upcoming period preview.
  • Fix: Address display formatting issues on customer dashboard.
  • Fix: Issues where links were to instead of
Team SureCart
January 6, 2023

Version 1.4.1

This update has a much-requested enhancement for merchants switching from other ecommerce platforms. You can now set the starting invoice number to keep the sequence from your old system.


  • New: Choose the start of your order numbers if using sequential order numbers.


  • Fix: Issue with order summary not loading if no Stripe processors are enabled.
Team SureCart
January 5, 2023

Version 1.4.0

This update changes our passwordless 2FA login flow. Previously we were using Magic Links, where a user could enter their email address, an email was sent with a magic link, once clicked the customer would be logged in.

We have changed this to instead send a secure 6-digit code, vs a magic link.


  • New: Sign in codes and login flow.
  • New: Add max redemptions per customer UI to coupon.


  • Improvement: Rename “Checkout Page” to “Store Checkout” in pages list.
  • Improvement: Show if a processor is disabled on the settings page. Disallow showing disabled processor in forms.
  • Improvement: Keep customer data and WordPress user in sync.
  • Improvement: Change the word Pro to Premium in plugin.
  • Improvement: Rename “default” to “store checkout” for store checkout page and store checkout form.
  • Improvement: Link the charge to the payment processor from the admin UI.
  • Improvement: Select box accessibility improvement.


  • Fix: Coupon field overflow on mobile screens.
  • Fix: Disallow payment plan update screen if not enabled in admin.
  • Fix: Scrolling issue on settings pages.
  • Fix: PHP8 compatibility issues on checkout page with debug mode turned on.
  • Fix: FCFA currency support.
  • Fix: global [hidden] conflicts.
Team SureCart
December 29, 2022

Subscription Saver Insights Preview

Gain valuable insights into what reasons your subscribers have when attempting to cancel their subscription.

Subscription Saver will release next week. There is nothing like this on the market.

Team SureCart
December 15, 2022

Version 1.3.4


  • Improvement: Coupon UX – set usage and customer limits per promotion code.


  • Fix: Product restrictions on coupons not applying to specific products only.
Team SureCart
December 14, 2022

Version 1.3.3


  • New: Separate first name and last name fields.


  • Improvement: Coupon entry UX.
  • Improvement: Order bump UI to work better on mobile devices.
  • Improvement: Display per-file upload limits.
  • Improvement: Show storage limits if reaching upper limits of storage.


  • Fix: Flexbox wrapping issue on admin dashboard.
  • Fix: SureCart columns block category incorrect.
  • Fix: Issue with taxes being taken into account with scratch prices.
  • Fix: Add missing “Email Address” translation in login form.
Team SureCart
December 1, 2022

Version 1.3.2


  • Improvement: Switch form block now allows rich text (links, formatting, etc.)
  • Improvement: Show notice in admin if SSL is not enabled on your site.


  • Fix: Unable to search all products product, price selectors.
  • Fix: Setting free trial on admin subscription edit getting cut off.
  • Fix: Upgrade groups no longer show archived prices.
  • Fix: Show refunds list on admin order page.
Team SureCart
November 30, 2022

Version 1.3.0


  • New: Restrict coupons to products, prices or customers.


  • Improvement: Ability to filter error messages.
  • Improvement: New documentation on styling with shadow parts and css variables.
  • Improvement: Show all orders by default on admin orders page.
  • Improvement: Option for the address component to not be required.
  • Improvement: Show remaining payment for payment plan on individual admin plan page.
  • Improvement: Show customer’s payment methods in the admin.


  • Fix: Unable to update PayPal payment method on existing subscription in admin.
  • Fix: Disabled integrations are no longer selectable.
  • Fix: Customer dashboard full setting not taking effect.
  • Fix: Abandoned checkouts missing recovered state.
  • Fix: Added correct premium label to free trials.
  • Fix: Validate compare at price in browser.
Team SureCart
November 29, 2022

Version 1.2.4


  • Improvement: Abandoned checkout email links with multi-website stores.
  • Improvement: Add filter to manual payment method summary to allow customization.


  • Fix: AffiliateWP not showing product in list.