Team SureCart
November 25, 2022

Version 1.2.3


  • Fix: Issue with admin prices search closing on keypresses, not allowing search functionality.
  • Fix: Issue with customers not able to update subscription if subscription quantity changes were disabled.
Team SureCart
November 23, 2022

Version 1.2.2


  • New: “Compare at” option for creating sale prices.


  • Improvement: Slide out cart width compatibility with some themes that make it too narrow.


  • Fix: Recapcha not working with manual processors change.
  • Fix: Scripts sometimes not loading with specific page builders if shortcodes are used and cart is turned off.
  • Fix: Subscription email edit had incorrect pro badge.
  • Fix: Some users having permission issues when updating payment methods in dashboard.
Team SureCart
November 16, 2022

Version 1.2.1


  • Textarea field.


  • Show scratch price on order summary if discount is present.
  • Button style consistency on product page.
  • Edit store (admin) email templates.
  • Enable or disable customer subscription reminder emails is now a free feature.


  • Some custom form fields not saving metadata for some processors.
  • sc_order_confirmation shortcode not displaying.
  • Overflow issue on some themes with address component.
  • Issue with some shortcodes not displaying if slide-out cart is disabled by admin.
Team SureCart
November 14, 2022

Version 1.2.0


  • Manual Payment Methods
  • Abandoned Checkouts (Pro)


  • Add Dutch notifications and invoice language.


  • Fix: Issue with default country selection in address block not initializing with new checkout.
  • Fix: Prevent false positive notice from Sucuri for our honeypot field.
  • Fix: Issue with Stripe Payment Element redirect processors not working on iOS devices.
Team SureCart
November 2, 2022

Version 1.1.19


  • WordPress 6.1 compatibility.
Team SureCart
November 1, 2022

Version 1.1.18


  • Improvement: Set custom background and text colors for cart, buy buttons and submit buttons.
  • Improvement: Set placeholder labels for address block.
  • Improvement: Set a default country for shipping address.
  • Improvement: Admin ability “restore” a subscription that has been canceled.
  • Improvement: Admin ability to mark an order as paid.
  • Improvement: Admin ability to turn off tax on individual subscriptions.
  • Improvement: Show payment failure list on orders if failed payments.


  • Fix: Radio button individual selection not working in forms.
  • Fix: Issue with PayPal not working on Safari mobile browsers.
  • Fix: Issue with certain embeds not appearing on dashboard pages.
Team SureCart
October 19, 2022

Version 1.1.16


  • Improvement: Wording for price select options.


  • Fix: Limit line item quantity selector based on product purchase limit.
  • Fix: Nested shortcodes not rendering with some themes.
  • Fix: Buy button shortcode text not customizable.
  • Fix: Payment limit field disappearing when amount is removed.
  • Fix: Checkout form intermittently hanging when submitted.
Team SureCart
October 14, 2022

Version 1.1.15


  • New: BuddyBoss groups integration with purchases.
  • New: Beaver Builder form select module.
  • New: Choose your store invoice and email notifications language.
  • New: Subscription cancellation notification and admin settings (Pro).


  • Improvement: Price selector, donation block accessibility improvements.
  • Improvement: Rename “Payment Plan” to “Installment”.
  • Improvement: Show notice if Stripe requires SSL (Live Mode) and SSL is not enabled on the site.
  • Improvement: Change default title on customer dashboard from Subscriptions to Plans to account for installment plans and subscriptions.
  • Improvement: Add Elementor block to category and add badge.
  • Improvement: Rearrange merchant subscription list and remove type column.
  • Improvement: Rename Input and Radio Group names to Text Field and Radio Select.


  • Fix: Don’t error when new unused webhooks are added to the platform.
  • Fix: Calendar translations on dashboard.
  • Fix: Japanese letters not displaying in customer dashboard tab.
  • Fix: Merchant subscription periods amount sometimes inaccurate.
  • Fix: Percent coupons missing % in admin list.
  • Fix: Error/validation translations not showing on checkout.
  • Fix: Issue with refund amount displaying wrong in form when processing a refund.
  • Fix: Error sometimes occurring when validating customer link.
  • Fix: Elementor popup visibility settings missing.
Team SureCart
October 6, 2022

Version 1.1.14


  • New: Radio button group form block.
  • New: Password confirmation option in password form block.
  • New: Customer name now syncs with WordPress name on checkout.
  • New: Link to delete test data.


  • Fix: Issue with payment failure email links going to 404.
  • Fix: Issue with clicking add to cart button for an existing item in cart sometimes creating 2 line items instead of 1.
  • Fix: Issue with theme line-height sometimes cutting off descenders in dashboard tabs.