How To Update Customer’s Details? – SureCart
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How To Update Customer’s Details?

Wondering how you can update customer details on SureCart? It’s simple.

Imagine a customer buys your product but mistypes their email. Using the wrong email address will prevent users from receiving information about product purchases, invoices, and password resets.

No worries! They reach out to you, and you can quickly set things right from your end. Cool, right?

Now, let’s see how you can update customer details!

  • Navigate to SureCart and click on the Customers tab.
SureCart Customers
  • Click on the customer name.
SureCart click on customer name

There’s a section labeled Customer Details. That’s your spot to make edits.

SureCart Customer Details

Remember: every purchase on your site means there’s an account on WordPress for that customer.

If they made a mistake with their email, it’ll be wrong on WordPress too. This means they might miss out on important emails.

SureCart Customer Email
  • Select the field where you want to make the changes.
SureCart change customer email address.
  • Give the page a quick refresh. You’ll see the WordPress User email now matches up with what’s in Customer Details.
SureCart change customer email address.

And that’s it! Simple, right?

By following the steps above, you can make changes to your customer details based on your needs.

Got more questions? You can reach out to us anytime.

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